With an expertise in command control, propulsion, and flight operations, UMD UAS Research and Operations Center (UROC) experts can help partners develop and execute rigorous testing and evaluation plans. Typical plans include an examination of command and control procedures, payload integration, performance in field conditions, and effectiveness at completing a desired task. As part of the process, UROCexperts will also identify potential defects or failures and establish mitigation and response measures.
Whether you’re a manufacturer in need of vehicle capabilities testing or an end user looking to apply UAS technology to your industry, partners can rely on our testing and evaluation process to demonstrate feasibility and pinpoint needed system and procedural modifications.
A Pivotal Step in National Airspace Integration
UROC partnered with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Department of Homeland Security, and consultant CACI in early 2016 to test a UAS detection technology at the Atlantic City International Airport. UROC pilots flew both rotor and fixed-wing systems to determine if SkyTracker could successfully identify, detect, and track UAS in flight and precisely located drone ground operators without interfering with commercial airline operations. The operation marked the first UAS detection research in a commercial airport environment and the first FAA-approved UAS operation in Class “C” airspace.
Despite the complexity of the environment and poor weather conditions, the test demonstrated that the detection system performed as designed and set the stage for future FAA tests at larger commercial airports.
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